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Description of service is an information aggregator that allows you to follow football news and facilitates access to information by bringing together articles from a multitude of web sources on a single site.
This website selects the best sources, monitors the RSS feeds of the major media and indexes thousands of news titles per day in order to more easily follow the football news of a club, country or competition.
This website provides hypertext links pointing to articles published by third-party sites by displaying the title and possibly a short extract for each article. By clicking on the title of an article, the user will be directed to the original article on the source site.

Rights and Limitations of Liability
This website is a technical service provider and is in no way responsible for the content of the sites it indexes in its news feeds. This site is neither the editor nor the publisher of the information indexed in its news feeds and has no control over it. This information is made available to us by publishers (news sites, press sites, blogs, Twitter accounts, etc.) via RSS feed technology and is integrated and ordered in a strictly automated manner in our database. We have no means of verifying the information that the publishers broadcast through their news feeds as well as on their respective sites. It is up to the Internet user to use this information with discernment and critical thinking.
This website does not hold the copyright of the press articles, documents and web pages it indexes, these belong to their respective owners. This site does not reference any articles from third-party sites in search engines.

Site de-indexing
To remove your site from our aggregator, please contact us at

Privacy and cookie policy
This website does not collect any personal data from users but may store “cookies” on your computer, tablet or telephone. Cookies are settings saved by the sites and services you use. For the publisher of a site, they allow for example to establish statistics on the use of its online service. For the user, they facilitate navigation and access to certain features. Most internet services do not work properly without cookies. Cookies are neither spyware nor viruses, they are just essential for the proper functioning of the web.

What cookies are placed when browsing this website?
– Audience measurement: To establish anonymous statistics on the frequentation and use of this site such as the number of visitors, the sections and pages visited, the route on the site or the types of terminals used. This site uses Google Analytics to measure its audience.
– Advertising: This site is financed exclusively by advertising. Advertising cookies, deposited by our advertising partners, allow us to offer you advertisements related to your areas of interest.
What are the measures taken by this website to protect its users?
No creation of user accounts, no form, no personal data of a user is stored in our databases.
What measures can users take to protect themselves?
We invite you to consider the confidentiality / privacy settings of your internet browser. Each user can configure their Internet browser to restrict, block or delete cookies. Check your browser’s documentation. Also visit the CNIL website to find tips for limiting the traceability of your web browsing.